How to make a scented pouch.

If you do not have a pouch, you can buy the small Canyon Zen bag in our store.  

To make one scented pouch you need:

  • ¼ cup Epsom salt or sea salt

  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda

  • 15 drops of your favorite essential oil or mix of oils, and you can add more to your liking.


  1. In a mixing bowl, add the Epsom salt and the baking soda. Mix well.

  2. Then add the essential oil and mix well. The mix should not be wet, if it is add a little more baking soda.

  3. Fill the pouch and pull the strings to tightly close it.


You can place it in a drawer or linen closet, also under bed covers when you make your bed to have a nice refreshing scent at night. You can also place it inside your car attaching the pouch under the mirror.

Another use you can do and depending on the essential oil you use, you might need to reduce the number of drops, is to place the pouch in your pillow case or under your pillow which can help with allergies, headaches or to help get a better night sleep.

When the scent is gone, empty the pouch content into a bowl, add some oils and fill the pouch again. Keep in mind some oils will evaporate faster than others, and to know which ones check our table on essential oils note.